50 + Years in Floor Covering
Herregan Distributors is one the largest flooring distributors in the United States. We are a family owned company with a team-oriented approach to selling. We know that our success depends completely on the success of our customers. We offer multiple solutions and provide a wide range of flooring products, to a wide range of customers. We want to build relationships and do all that we can to support and help our customers succeed.
Herregan Distributors, Inc.
3695 Kennebec Dr.
Eagan, MN 55122
(800) 325-2625 toll free phone

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New Herregan Online Ordering - https://t.co/gazkDV3wNE
RT @fcnewsnet: Välinge Innovation AB's branded flooring line is being picked up by several new distributors across North America.… https://t.co/d0sSfTYBl3